i have. i give. logo

i have. i give. logo
The vision of one. The hope of a few. The help of many.

i have. i give. Mission

To promote selfless giving through inspirational action.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Rebooting Valentines Day

Ashley Thomas, one of i have. i give.'s founders, discovered this great article about rebooting Valentines Day. As Valentines day is a day to celebrate the love we have for our loved ones may the day remind you, not only on Monday but throughout the rest of the year, the love that you feel, and the many ways that you are shown that love through gifts and kindness. May you be inspired to continue the spirit of love on Valentines Day and it throughout the year.

To read the article or view the inspirational video please click on the links below. Happy Valentines Day.


-- to read the article

 -- to view the video

Thank You

Thank you to all of the wonderful people that came to help the i have. i give. team support Project Angel Heart by decorating bags. Although the weather was poor, we still had several supporters and thanks to these giving people we were able to provide Project Angel Heart with 80 beautifully decorated bags. Thank you again for your continued love and support, we wouldn't be able to do this without you

Ashley Thomas

Jessi Bucar

Erica Martinez

Scott Shepard

Caleb Bond

Scott Shepard

Jessica Dawkins

Erica Montgomery

80 Beautifully Decorated bags for Project Angel Heart

Nicole Hewett, Andrea Bucci & Kaitlyn Herbert

Andrea Bucci and Nicole Hewett

Jessica Dawkins