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i have. i give. logo
The vision of one. The hope of a few. The help of many.

i have. i give. Mission

To promote selfless giving through inspirational action.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Take the Time to Listen

People love to talk. Just about everyone loves to converse with someone else, but the other half of conversing is sometimes forgotten, ignored or just given no love. That part is listening. It makes a world of difference in a conversation when someone is listening. Not just looking at you and nodding their head, but actually HEARING what you are saying, conversing back based on what you said and giving their input to your story. With that being said and having felt the good and bad effects of listening, I challenge you to go out and be the best listener you can be. Leave all distractions behind, keep your phone out of sight and mind, face the person and respond to what they are saying so they know how you are giving them your undivided attention. Another important key to listening is staying in the moment. Sometimes we are victims to our own minds and we let it run off with the better, more reasonable half of our mind. Our ability to listen has now decreased ten fold because you are thinking about how you need to look for jobs or how you can't wait for this summer or how you told Johnny you liked him and now he's not even texting you back and you are freaking out! Don't go there. And guess what? The best part is that when that person is finished talking you can actually talk out loud about your concerns you were just thinking of and because that person read this post and they too are good listeners, they will have some wonderful advice for your woes. How lucky for you!

So take a little time today, this week, this month or whenever to really and truly listen and give what you have--your ears! And you never know, it might just be the best gift you can give :)

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